[ Track2 ] Paper Submission & Publications
Paper Submission
EDAS is the official conference tool for PlatCon-19.
Authors should submit only 2-page extended abstract to the following EDAS system for review: https://edas.info/N25113
You can download a sample format here:
Conference Proceedings
Please check the exact deadline at the Important Dates page.
Every submitted paper will be carefully reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee. The [Track2] calls for 2-page extended abstracts(2-EA) for reviewing, and then all accepted 2-EA are going to be included in the Conference Program Book which will be distributed on site. The 2-EA will NOT be included in the IEEE conference proceedings.
After the conference, extended and revised full papers having 3 or greater pages of all accepted and presented 2-EA will be published in this year Platform Technology Letters, PTL(ISSN 2288-8195) volume.
The PTL is one of the official periodicals of ICT Platform Society and ICRP, and it has been publishing three volumes since 2014. In 2019, PTL Editorial Office will publish the 5th volume having 4 issues in March, June, September, and December. The full paper publication schedule of the [Track2] will be notified before or at the conference.
Journal Special Issues for the selected conference papers :
Some selected papers will be recommended to peer-reviewed international journals indexed in EI Compendex, SCOPUS, SCIE, SCI, and/or SSCI. For this, now we are discussing with the following journals:(Pending)
Journal of Platform Technology - An official open-access journal of ICT Platform Society
Applied Science - MDPI(SCIE)
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks - SAGE(SCIE)
Applied Soft Computing- Elsevier (SCIE)
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics - IAES (Scopus)